Ileana D'Cruz, best known to Tamil cinema fans for playing the female lead in 'Thalapathy' Vijay's 2012 blockbuster Nanban, shared several pictures, including one with a mystery man on her Instagram Stories. In the black and white photo, we see the actress holding hands with the individual, presumably her boyfriend, from their dinner date, while also giving followers on social media a glimpse at a diamond ring she was wearing on her ring finger. Sharing the photo without revealing their faces, Ileana, who recently announced her pregnancy and is celebrating her 'babymoon', wrote, "My idea of romance – clearly can't let him eat in peace." Ever since Ileana announced the news of her pregnancy in April, the mom-to-be actress has remained tight-lipped about the identity of her future baby's father and this is the first time that she has shared a detail about the mystery man. Celebrating her 'babymoon' after jetting off to an undisclosed location, she also shared a clip from a sunny beach outing, a short video of drinks on a table, and a photo of a dessert she had during her outing.
Ileana announced the news of her pregnancy on April 18 by posting two photos on Instagram. The first picture was that of a baby's romper, which featured the slogan, 'And so the adventure begins', while the second image was of a pendant that read, 'Mama'. In her caption, the popular actress wrote, "Coming soon. Can't wait to meet you my little darling." Ileana, whose last big Tamil release was Nanban, has since become a big name in Bollywood starring in several notable Hindi films, and will next be seen in the upcoming Tera Kya Hoga Lovely alongside Randeep Hooda.