Leading Tamil actor Dhanush will kick off 2023 with Vaathi releasing worldwide on February 17, which is a bilingual also coming out in Telugu under the title Sir. The highly-anticipated period drama has been directed by Telugu filmmaker Venky Atluri of Tholi Prema and Range De fame and features music by G. V. Prakash Kumar, with the first single from the film 'Vaa Vaathi' released last year still ruling the charts. Vaathi, which is a month away from its theatrical release, is carrying huge buzz, and the much-awaited second single 'Naadodi Mannan' has now been released amidst a lot of excitement.
- The wait ends - the much-awaited announcement from Dhanush's VAATHI has arrived! Check it out here!
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- Special treat for Dhanush fans from VAATHI is on the way - here's the latest exciting announcement!
- The much-awaited 'Vaa Vaathi' song video from Dhanush's Vaathi is out! Do not miss it! WATCH HERE!
'Naadodi Mannan' is a peppy rural track from start to end and features vocals by Anthony Daasan, while Yugabharathi has penned the lyrics, with Dhanush shown to be shaking his feet, and G. V. Prakash as well making an appearance. The dance number will no doubt go well with the masses and is set to be yet another hit for the two National Award winners, who have teamed up for Vaathi after their previous collaborations like Polladhavan, Aadukalam, Mayakkam Enna, Asuran, and Maaran. The Dhanush-GV Prakash combo is one of the major USPs of Vaathi and the two songs released so far are undoubtedly helping in favor of the film.
Produced by Naga Vamsi's Sithara Entertainments in association with Sai Soujanya's Fortune Four Cinemas and being presented by Srikara Studios, Vaathi has Dhanush paired with Malayalam sensation Samyuktha Menon, while Sai Kumar, Tanikella Bharani, Samuthirakani, Thotapalli Madhu, Narra Srinivas, Pammi Sai, Hyper Aadhi, Shara, Aadukalam Naren, Ilavarasu, Motta Rajendran, Hareesh Peradi, Praveena among others have been cast in major supporting roles. The film being released in Tamil Nadu by Lalit Kumar's 7 Screen Studio has cinematography handled by J Yuvraj, while Navin Nooli has taken care of the editing and is gearing up for a huge theatrical outing after being postponed from its initial December 2 release plans.
Watch the 'Naadodi Mannan' song video below: