Marathi film producer Vikram Dhaktode was arrested at the shooting spot of his upcoming venture in Ahmednagar after a complaint was filed by his wife Rupali Dhakatode at the Panvel Police Station. She alleged that he cheated on her and also engaged in harassment. In an interview with Etimes, Rupali stated, "I got married to Vikram Dhaktode in 2020 and this was his second marriage. I was aware of his first marriage. He introduced me to Priyanka Yadav as his sister. Later on, I came to know that Vikram was having an illicit affair with Priyanka. I was constantly threatened not to tell anyone about this". She further added, "In the pretext of making films, he used all my savings. All his entertainment's financial transactions were done from my accounts. He used to torture and abuse me. I also met his first wife Pratiksha, who went same torture for nine years. So, I decided to lodge a complaint against him."
Vikram Dhaktode has been arrested by the Panvel Police under sections 377 (Unnatural offenses), 498 A (Husband or relative of husband of a woman subjecting her to cruelty), 420 (Cheating), 406 (Punishment for criminal breach of trust), 323 (Punishment for criminal breach of trust), 504 (Whoever intentionally insults, and thereby gives provocation to any person), and 506 (Punishment for criminal intimidation)of the Indian Penal Code. This is the second time Dhaktode has been arrested after he allegedly cheated actor-producer Amol Kagne for Rs 30 lakh by producing a false lure.