The Kerala Police has reportedly filed a case against Malayalam actor-producer Vijay Babu for alleged assault based on a complaint by an actress on April 22 in Ernakulam South police station. The complainant alleged that the accused had sexually assaulted her in a flat in Kochi under the guise of offering her a role in a film. She further alleged that Vijay Babu had repeated the crime on more than one occasion, with reports stating that the authorities are yet to interrogate or arrest him.
Vijay Babu has since gone public after the allegation and took to social media to deny the charges leveled against him. He claimed during a live session on Facebook that he is the real 'victim' in the case, while also naming the actress. He stated that since his name is in public and had done nothing as being alleged, it is unjust to allow the woman to be protected. As per the law, divulging the name and personal details of victims of certain offenses (including sexual) is punishable.
The founder of Friday Film House, Vijay Babu has carved a niche for himself in Malayalam cinema for more than a decade. His production banner has also made a number of award-winning films, while also winning the Kerala State Film Award for Best Children's Film for Philips and The Monkey Pen in 2014. Outside of his role as a producer, Vijay Babu has also appeared in several Malayalam films that include Adi Kapyare Kootamani, 22 Female Kottayam, Velipadinte Pusthakam, June, Nee-Na to name a notable few.
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