And, it's official - the title for the highly-anticipated Thalapathy 67 has been announced to be LEO. The big title reveal has come out on Friday, February 3, for the upcoming Vijay-starrer being directed by blockbuster filmmaker Lokesh Kanagaraj under producer-distributor Lalit Kumar's 7 Screen Studio banner. LEO, which was so far being called under the tentative title Thalapathy 67, currently stands at the top of the trends on social media for being the most-awaited Tamil film up ahead and the big title reveal has come much earlier than Vijay fans had expected considering the tradition is usually set for the superstar's birthday on June 22.
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Vijay's LEO has also been announced to open in cinemas worldwide on October 19 as a Pooja holiday treat for fans and will be coming out in Tamil, Telugu, Hindi, and Kannada languages. The title announcement video gives us a glimpse at the actor as a chocolate maker, who is forging a sword for the battle that lies up ahead and has been packaged in an intense manner from start to end, while also being powered by composer Anirudh Ravichander & Siddharth Basrur's vocals to the lyrics by Heisenberg.
LEO has taken off at jet speed right from the moment updates of the film's cast were announced officially earlier this week and the tentative title Thalapathy 67 has so far dominated the space on social media. The film's title announcement has indeed come as a massive surprise for fans as the team is currently filming in Kashmir after the cast and crew left earlier this week, with a video of their journey as well being released showing the stars in high spirits. Expectations for LEO are bound to shoot up after this title promo announcement and we can expect the team to come out firing on all cylinders before its theatrical release later this year.
Watch 'Thalapathy' Vijay's LEO title reveal promo below: