Karthik Subbaraj is a popular director who has worked on many interesting projects. His recent film Mahaan starring 'Chiyaan' Vikam in the lead roles was released directly in the digital streaming platform Prime Video. The next film the director is Jigarthanda Double X. It will be the next instalment of Jigarthanda which had Siddharth and Bobby Simha in the lead role. Jigarthanda Double X is set to release in theatres this Diwali. He has also worked on the story for Shankar's directorial film Game Changer starring Ram Charan.
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The director Karthik Subbaraj sat down for an exclusive interview with Galatta Media and revealed some exciting details about his upcoming projects. Speaking about expectations around Jigarthanda Double X, the director said there were many challenges that it should be better than the first part and the soul of Jigarthanda as in its Crux will be there in this film. As LCU is a topic of discussion online forums, The anchor asked if there are any plans for him to make a Karthik Subbaraj cinematic universe. The director said “See, basically. my idea is I want to make Jigarthanda as a franchise film. The concept of the crime world mixing with the art world. So, it can be anything. Maybe, in 15 to 20 years, this franchise will go on, and other filmmakers also can come and do a film under this crux. So, Jigarthanda should become like a Genre. So it's like two different worlds coming together and how both influence each other. We can have many stories in it."
The director then went on reveal why he did not make a sequel with the character Assault Sethu and added “There are Meta films, It's a movie about making films. Jigarthanda is meta but there is gangster world that is the philosophy in it. Just like that the same philosophy will be in Double X too. But there will be no connection to Jigarthanda. So, wanted to make it as a franchise, as a genre." Watch full interview: