Karthik Subbaraj is a popular director of the Tamil film industry who has been making many notable movies over the years. The next film of the filmmaker Jigarthanda Double X is set to be released in theatres after a long time as his previous two projects were directly launched on OTT streaming platforms. It will have Raghava Lawrence and director SJ Suryah in important roles and the film is set to release in theatres for Diwali. He is also the story writer for the next big film of blockbuster director Shankar with Ram Charan titled Game Changer.
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The director sat down food an exclusive interview with Galatta Media and shared some interesting details about Jigarthanda Double X and some of his previous projects. When asked about the current writing scene in Tamil cinema, Director Karthik Subbaraj said “Surely, it's opening up well. I think the Malayalam industry has more films where they work with writers. Now presently, We are doing many web series, and while doing that definitely you need a writer. There is a differentiation between writers and directors, there are even 2-3 writers for some series. For the web series, there will be 2-3 writers and four directors, so it's a collaborative effort. Basically, it's all creative minds coming together and collaborating. So it's all a good scene." The director revealed that if he works on a film written by other directors, it would be with Mani Ratnam.
When asked if Karthik Subbaraj would collaborate with Lokesh Kanagaraj at any time. The director said "actually, He did a short film first for Aviyal. Then, we were about to produce one film for Lokesh before Kaithi. But it was more of a 40 mins 50 mins film. We have not collaborated with him on writing. For writing Ratna is doing with Lokesh, Ratna is from our team.” Watch the full interview here: