Kanam is an upcoming Tamil-Telugu bilingual science fiction drama film that is written and directed by debutant Shree Karthik and bankrolled by S. R. Prakash Babu and S. R. Prabhu under th bvbmhzAxe banner of Dream Warrior Pictures who were also responsible for the box office sensation Kaithi and Sulthan. The film will feature actors Sharwanand, Ritu Varma, Amala Akkineni, Sathish, Ramesh Thilak, Nassar, Ravi Raghavendra, M.S. Bhaskar, Vaiyapuri, Yog Jappe, Jay Adithya, Nithyaraj, and Hitesh among others.

The makers of the film released the film's trailer and it turned out to be a very unexpected one. It has got influences of the time travel concept that is based on the relationship between a mother and a son. It shows a group of friends who travel back in time with the help of a scientist for an unknown reason.

We see Sharwanand as a struggling musician as he has to deal with his impending fear of stage fright and some inner trauma regarding his mother who is played by Amala Akkineni. The other two friends also join him for their own personal reasons.

Moments of joy, sorrow and fear are all very clearly represented in this 2 minutes and 29 seconds trailer. The film Kanam will mark the return of actor Amala to acting on to the big screen as she was last seen in the 1991 Tamil-Malayalam bilingual film Karpoora Mullai. 

The technical crew consists of Sujith Sarang as the cinematographer, with Jakes Bejoy on the music, Madhan Karky, Uma Devi, Kaber Vasuki as the lyricists, and Sreejith Sarang as its editor. The has been scheduled for a worldwide theatrical release on September 9. 

Check out the trailer here: