The Kaappaan audio launch took place at Chennai yesterday with the film’s cast and crew taking part among whom were the lead star Suriya, Mohanlal, Arya, Sayyeshaa and director KV Anand along with producer Subaskaran of Lyca Productions. With the event seeing ‘Superstar’ Rajinikanth and director Shankar as the chief guests and the evening turning out to be a grand one, there has been a slight bit of controversy after lyricist Kabilan had during his speech stated that Suriya’s recent words about education reform would have reached Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s ears had Rajinikanth spoken them. That said, a news channel had gone on to mistake lyricist Kabilan’s name with Kabilan Vairamuthu’s name and had quoted stating it was the latter, who had made the statement at the Kaappaan audio launch. Soon after, there were many who began clamoring on Kabilan Vairamuthu’s Twitter timeline after which he issued a clarification saying it was lyricist Kabilan who had spoken at the audio launch and not him. He further added it is a bit painful considering he also had a role in the said TV channel’s development in the beginning and requested them to correct the news.
Kabilan Vairamuthu has established himself as a lyricist and had penned the verses for the "Machan Inga Vandhira" song with GK while lyricist Kabilan has written the "Kurilae" song in Kaappaan. Apart from being a lyricist, Kabilan Vairamuthu has written the screenplay for Vijay Sethupathi's Kavan and 'Thala' Ajith's Vivegam. He is also said to be writing the dialogues for Kamal Haasan's upcoming much-awaited, Indian 2, which is set to roll into production soon. As for Suriya’s Kaappaan, the film has massive excitement as action thriller's teaser released a couple of months back has elevated the expectations ahead of its theatrical release on August 30. With Mohanlal, Arya, Sayyeshaa, Boman Irani, Poorna, Chirag Jani among others in important roles along with music by Harris Jayaraj, we can expect the Kaappaan trailer to come out soon as well.