Popular Malayalam actor Sajeed Pattalam passed away on Saturday, August 6 and his demise has left the Malayalam film fraternity and audience in deep shock. Sajeed Pattalam was 54 years old when he breathed his last. According to reports, Sajeed was hospitalized a few days back due to ill health and on Saturday, he was declared dead by the Doctors. Several notable film personalities and film buffs have taken to their respective social media pages to mourn the demise of the talented artist. As per reports from Malayalam media, his funeral will take place tonight (August 7) at 9 PM at Kalvathy Juma Masjid Kabaristan.

Sajeed is survived by his wife Ramla and two children, Abida and Shafi. Sajeed Pattalam is known for acting in supporting roles in several films and web series contents. Among the lot, his performance in films like Nivin Pauly's Kanakam Kamini Kalaham, Tovino Thomas' Kala, Prithviraj Sukumaran's Jana Gana Mana, and Jaan E Mann received positive reviews from the audiences. Sajeed Pattalam has played a pivotal role in the upcoming film, Saudi Vellakka, directed by Tharun Moorthy of Operation Java fame and that will be his last film.

Tharun Moorthy took to his official social media page to pen a heartfelt note in which he said, "Dearest Sajeed Ikka. You are a gem. Hope you will hear the clamour of clapping hands in heaven in our film. I am at a loss of words. RIP". Jaan E Mann actor Basil Joseph, also the director of Minnal Murali paid his heartfelt tribute to Sajeed on his official Instagram page. Similarly, Vinay Forrt of Premam fame also mourned Sajeed's loss on his Instagram page.


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