Blockbuster Tamil filmmaker-actor Gautham Vasudev Menon is celebrating his birthday today (February 25) and wishes have been pouring in from the film fraternity and fans. With many sharing their find memories, actor Jaffer Sadiq has now treated fans to a special video of GVM dancing and grooving to the 'Mallipoo' song in a club. The song featured in the 2022 blockbuster Vendhu Thanindhathu Kaadu Part I: The Kindling and picturized on Silambarasan TR was directed by Gautham Menon and composed by Academy Award-winning composer A. R. Rahman.
In the video, we see Gautham Menon going full in having a blast and setting the dance floor on fire to the 'Mallipoo' song from VTK, with Jaffer Sadiq and several others as well joining him in on the celebrations. This isn't the first time fans are getting to see the hit director dance his heart out as a video that came out a few years back showed him on stage along with singer Karthik performing to the 'Anjala' song from his 2008 cult classic, Vaaranam Aayiram. Gautham Menon's Vendhu Thanindhathu Kaadu ended on a cliffhanger and teased a confrontation between STR and Jaffer Sadiq, with the sequel currently being titled VTK 2, is yet to go on floors. Watch GVM vibing to the 'Mallipoo' song in the video below:
#HappyBirthday sir @menongautham 🫂 lots of love and respect to you sir ❤️❤️
— jaffer sadiq (@JafferJiky) February 25, 2023
As for his other projects, Gautham Menon is a part of several big upcoming ventures as an actor and will be first seen in Vetri Maaran's Viduthalai, which is nearing its theatrical release. He will also be sharing the screen with STR for the first time in Pathu Thala set to be launched on March 30. And, he's currently filming 'Thalapathy' Vijay's biggie, LEO, under Lokesh Kanagaraj's direction, which is scheduled to open in cinemas worldwide as a grand Ayudha pooja release on October 19.