The recent film of Venkat Prabhu that was released marked his venture into the Telugu film industry with actor Naga Chaitanya as the lead titled Custody. The next film of the project has been the topic of discussion among fans as it will be with 'Thalapathy' Vijay and tentatively title Thalapathy 68. The project was announced a few weeks back and it will be the 25th production venture of AGS Entertainment, The film will also have music by Yuvan Shankar Raja. Vijay is joining the music composer after many years for the film. The director recently launched the trailer of the film Regina and spoke at the event that happened in Chennai.
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During Regina trailer launch event as fans began asking for a Thalapathy 68 update, The director Venkat Prabhu said "No, this is not the time to reveal the Thalapathy 68 update. We can only reveal it after the release of the Leo movie, or Vijay sir will scold me saying why are you revealing these updates in all events. So, after Leo, Thalapthy 68." The director then when on to speak about the film Regina which had actress Suninaa in the lead role. He said, “I never expected Suninaa in this type of bold role because we have only seen Suninaa in innocent roles.” The director then went on to say that he knew the producer of the film Sathish Nair for a long time and he did not know that he can compose such pleasant songs. He further said he is closer to Venkat Prabhu's father Gangai Amaran.
The video of the director Venkat Prabhu about Thalapathy 68 update has become viral on social media. The upcoming film of 'Thalapathy' Vijay is one of the most anticipated films of the year with director Lokesh Kanagaraj's titled Leo. The film has a huge star cast and is to be released on 19th October.