Dhruv Vikram, son of National Award-winning actor 'Chiyaan' Vikram, announced his entry into the independent music space by launching his own YouTube channel on Monday, August 15. In the video titled "Dreams | Kanavugazh", the young heart-throb expressed his love for acting and music and said, "I've always dreamt a lot. During my childhood, I dreamed about becoming an actor. A performer, a musician, and a filmmaker, I dreamt a lot about becoming a rockstar. But, dreaming about this gave me huge happiness because I feared a lot to put my thoughts into action. I felt my dreams were enough. I wasn't interested much in sports back during my school days. Me being a class topper? No chance at all. My mother would enroll me in all the classes so that I would develop an interest in any activity. Swimming, football, basketball, badminton, shloka class, computer class. You think about any class and I'd have been there. I would often be lost in my thoughts, but never was I ever sure about being passionate about any of these activities. I would instead watch films, pick up my camera and roam around on the streets, play random tunes on the keyboard, sing my own tunes while bathing, and enact the characters and scenes in my imagination when I'm alone."
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Speaking about his passions in life, Dhruv added, "I was hesitant and had a fear to tell everyone that I too wanted to be a part of dad's legacy. The level of excitement I had in wanting to become an actor was also torture because nobody would accept me as an actor if I revealed that. And, the bigger fear I had was ending up believing it. Actually, at one point, I began believing it. But, I had the determination to create something. I didn't understand why I had so much love for art, but I yearned a lot to understand and express that. For example, in music, during my formative years, Rahman sir, Harris sir, and more recently, Anirudh, Santhosh Narayanan, Yuvan, and G. V. Prakash, were the people who were there for me. I would associate many of my memories with them at any party or on a throwback album. Every sunset I've witnessed at my Besant Nagar home, every bus ride back home in my school bus, holidays, work trips, my high school crushes, and my college days, when I look back at all these memories and moments, specific tunes come to my mind."
Dhruv further said, "The songs at the time created an important vibe in me. They were immersed deeply in my human experiences. I can still feel the energy of those songs during my childhood in the air even now. After posing with a guitar for many years, dad handed it to me in 2018 and asked me to teach him a few chords, which I did. And, after watching a few YouTube tutorials and practicing, I really began to enjoy it. Now, I'm no big expert, but at times when I strum the chords to my favorite songs or when I try composing in a vibe, I can still experience the magic that I felt during my childhood and my past. I don't know how to explain that feeling. Rather than speaking about it, I'll show it to you all. The stories my heart longs to tell, songs, I wish to say that here on my YouTube channel. From my point of view, my heart, and my soul, at your screens. I believe you will understand me. See you soon."
On the acting front, Dhruv Viram became a huge sensation among the youth after his explosive acting debut in Adithya Varma. With his electrifying performance earning him rave reviews from fans and critics and the film turning out to be a blockbuster, the star performer left everyone impressed once again and this time alongside his father Vikram in Mahaan under Karthik Subbaraj's direction earlier this year. Dhruv, who played the role of a cop in the action thriller, stood tall in his action-packed performance and is currently preparing hard for his next big film with acclaimed filmmaker Mari Selvaraj of Pariyerum Perumal and Karnan fame.
Watch Dhruv Vikram's announcement of his entry as an independent music artist in the video below:
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