Dasara is an upcoming Telugu action drama film written and directed by debutant filmmaker Srikanth Odela. Produced by Sudhakar Cherukuri under his banner of Sri Lakshmi Venkateswara Cinemas, the film stars Nani and Keerthy Suresh in leading roles along with Samuthirakani, Prakash Raj, Rajendra Prasad, Roshan Mathew, Sai Kumar, Zarina Wahab and other in supporting roles. The film also marks Keerthy's second collaboration with the Natural Star after the 2017 romance comedy film Nenu Local.
It was earlier announced by the film's makers that the first single from the film will be released today (September 3). Today being today, they have kept up their words and released the lyrical video of the song. Titled 'Dhoom Dhaam Dhosthaana', this mass local street song has fast beats, catchy lyrics and great tunes that is bound to make those listening to it put on their dancing shoes and join in on the fun.
The song has its music composed by Santhosh Narayanan, written by Kasarla Shyam and sung by Rahul Sipligunj, Gotte Kanakavva,Gannora Dasa Laxmi, Palamuru Jangireddy, Narsanna (Nalgonda Gaddar) and Kasarla Shyam. Coming to the film, Nani described Dasara as "pure raw, rustic, and adrenaline-rush of a film." The shooting for this mass action entertainer been completed by 60 percent.
Set in the backdrop of Singareni coal mines near Godavarikhani in Telangana, Dasara is scheduled for a theatrical release on 30 March 2023. The film is also being planned to be released additionally in multiple dubbed versions including Hindi, Tamil, Kannada, and Malayalam languages.
Check out the video here: