Leading Tamil actor Dhanush's Thiruchitrambalam is releasing in theatres worldwide on August 18 and the expectations for the film are at an all-time high as it marks the superstar's return to the big screen after his Karnan, which came out in April 2021. Directed by Mithran R. Jawahar under the Sun Pictures banner and featuring music by 'Rockstar' Anirudh Ravichander, promotions for the upcoming family entertainer are in full swing and the makers are leaving no stone unturned in building the hype. In that light, Sun Pictures has now released yet another fun-filled promo for Thiruchitrambalam primarily centered on Dhanush and Nithya Menen, who play next-door neighbors and childhood best friends.
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The new Thiruchitrambalam promo has Nithya Menen telling Dhanush not to look at women when they are visiting the temple. In response, we see him informing her that being a "90s kid", he goes to the temple only with the purpose of admiring women, which makes her react with disappointment. The promo is highly entertaining and the fun rapport between the duo is quite evident once again when they're discussing Priya Bhavani Shankar. The Thiruchitrambalam promo then ends with Dhanush emphasizing on the importance of communication in relationships.
Thiruchitrambalam has created plenty of buzz, especially after the release of the promos, which also show Prakash Raj and Bharathiraja playing the roles of Dhanush's father and grandfather, respectively. Nithya Menen, Priya Bhavani Shankar, and Raashii Khanna are the leading ladies, and their chemistry with the two-time National Award-actor so far in the promos and trailer has been on point. Thiruchitrambalam is a special film for fans as it marks the reunion of Dhanush with composer Anirudh once again after their Thanga Magan in 2015 and the songs in their latest outing has once again declared to be chart-busters. Likewise, Mithran R. Jawahar will be looking to hit the bullseye with the film, especially after he and Dhanush tasted massive success in their Yaaradi Nee Mohini, Kutty, and Uthamaputhiran.
Watch Dhanush's Thiruchitrambalam Promo below: