Two-time National Award-winning actor Dhanush's next film, Captain Miller, under Rocky and Saani Kaayidham fame Arun Matheswaran's direction was launched with a formal pooja ceremony earlier this week on September 22. Prestigious production banner Sathya Jyothi Films has now released the video of the proceedings on Saturday, which gives fans a glimpse into the event that saw the core cast and technical crew grace the occasion. The Captain Miller pooja event saw Dhanush, actresses Priyanka Arul Mohan and Nivedhithaa Sathish, Maanagaram hero Sundeep Kishan, Sarpatta Parambarai fame John Kokken along with director Arun Matheswaran in high spirits ahead of filming, which is set to kick off soon.
Being presented by TG Thyagaran and produced by Sendhil Thyagaran and Arjun Thyagaran, composer, Captain Miller is aiming for a grand summer 2023 theatrical release, with the launch ceremony also witnessing composer G. V. Prakash Kumar in attendance, who was also all smiles along with Dhanush and the rest of the cast and crew. A big action-adventure set in the 1930s, the buzz for Dhanush's Captain Miller has been massive ever since the film was revealed earlier this year.
Expectations for Captain Miller shot up after the makers released an announcement video, which showed a version of Dhanush in a drawing and featured the actor riding a motorcycle towards the battle zone alongside many of his comrades. Dhanush, who is riding high on the blockbuster success of his Thiruchitrambalam, is currently awaiting the release of Naane Varuvean on September 29 and the Tamil-Telugu bilingual Vaathi / Sir on December 2, will be looking to carry forward the momentum into 2023 as well with Captain Miller.
Watch the Captain Miller official pooja event video below: