Tamil actor Ajith Kumar's father P. Subramaniam Mani passed away due to age-related illnesses and ailments in Chennai on Friday, March 24. He is survived by his wife Mohini and three sons Anup Kumar, Ajith Kumar and Anil Kumar. On Sunday, Ajith's brother Anil penned an emotional note on Twitter on their father's last rites rituals, while also expressing his gratitude to all those who extended their support during their family tragedy. Posting a picture of the map of the Neelankarai Beach and a photo from the waters along with the various meaning for the Tamil word 'karai', Anil stated that there are people who will travel to Kashi for the last rites, while some others will go to the nearest shore. He stated that three generations had performed a prayer on Saturday along with the first grandson in their his family. Below is his tweet:
"Some venture to Kashi.
Some others, to the nearest karai.
It's what 3 generations did yesterday.
The past, in a pot, stayed behind.
The present strove to be present.
The future, the 1st grandson, joined in prayer.
Karai sums up the scene well.
Thanks, all, for your akkarai.🙏"
Some venture to Kashi.
— S. Anil Kumar (@aktxt) March 26, 2023
Some others, to the nearest karai.
It's what 3 generations did yesterday.
The past, in a pot, stayed behind.
The present strove to be present.
The future, the 1st grandson, joined in prayer.
Karai sums up the scene well.
Thanks, all, for your akkarai.🙏 pic.twitter.com/iENmZuS4lV
Ajith's fans will know that he is the middle child of the three brothers among whom Anup Kumar, an investor, is the elder son, while Anil Kumar, an IIT Madras graduate-turned-entrepreneur, is the youngest. The family issued a press release in memory of their father on Friday saying, "Our father, P.S. Mani, passed away in the early hours of this morning, in his sleep, after a long illness. He was 85. We are grateful for the care and support provided to him and our family by a number of medical professionals, especially following his debilitating stroke of four years ago. We are comforted, at this time of grief, that he lived a good life and knew the undying love of our mother, his partner of nearly six decades. We appreciate the kind, comforting messages and condolences that have been coming in and ask for your understanding if we may not be able to take calls or respond to messages in a timely manner. His last rites will be a family affair. We trust that all who have known loss will respect our wish to grieve privately and deal with his passing with as much equanimity and dignity as possible." Anil Kumar is the founder-CEO of the match-making company, Jodi 365, and the event-planning enterprise, Peepul 365.
— Suresh Chandra (@SureshChandraa) March 24, 2023