A star whose popularity continues to skyrocket with each passing day, 'Thalapathy' Vijay has been riding the wave for many years now, with several blockbusters to his name and a massive fan following across India and many parts of the world. Vijay, who debuted as a hero in the action film Naalaiya Theerpu on December 4, 1992 under his father S. A. Chandrasekhar's direction, has completed 29 years in the Tamil film industry, with more set to come as he will next be seen in the highly-anticipated Beast releasing in 2022. On the occasion of his glorious journey in Tamil cinema, Vijay's manager Jagadish Palanisamy, who also was a co-producer on the superstar's box office blockbuster Master earlier this year, took to social media on Saturday to share a never-before-seen photo of the actor.
In the latest picture, Vijay can be seen wearing the same attire as in another photo posted by Jagadish on the occasion of the actor's birthday back in June this year. Jagadish, who is also the founder of the celebrity management company and production house The Route, also penned a heartfelt statement about Vijay along with the picture. He wrote, "29 years of a remarkable journey yet the kind of dedication and professionalism you display is truly inspiring. Every moment I spend with you is a learning process. Wishing you lot more success and happiness in the years to come @actorvijay na 🤗♥️ #29YrsOfVIJAYSupremacy". Below is the tweet:
29 years of a remarkable journey yet the kind of dedication and professionalism you display is truly inspiring. Every moment I spend with you is a learning process. Wishing you lot more success and happiness in the years to come @actorvijay na 🤗♥️#29YrsOfVIJAYSupremacy pic.twitter.com/f6hMWNxoZS
— Jagadish (@Jagadishbliss) December 4, 2021
Vijay, whose Master turned out to be a phenomenal money-spinner at the box office, revived the Tamil film industry and the theatre business in January after the pandemic last year led to many cinema halls being shut down. The actor is currently acting in Beast being directed by Kolamaavu Kokila and Doctor fame Nelson Dilipkumar under the prestigious Sun Pictures banner, with Pooja Hegde playing the female lead and featuring music by 'Rockstar' Anirudh Ravichander. Vijay had also announced his next, a Tamil-Telugu bilingual, the tentatively titled Thalapathy 66, which will see him join hands with director Vamshi Paidipally of Oopiri (Thozha) and Maharshi fame under producer Dil Raju's Sri Venkateswara Creations banner.