Pathinettam Padi, the much-expected Malayalam movie directed by Shankar Ramakrishnan released on July 5th and the film opened to some decent reviews all around. Padhinettam Padi stars Chandunadh, Akshay Radhakrishnan, Ahaana Krishna, Ashwin Gopinath, and Wafa Khatheeja Rahman in important roles as well. Another major interesting factor is that the big stars like Mammootty, Prithviraj Sukumaran, Arya, and Unni Mukundan have played extended cameo roles in the film. The film is produced by Santosh Sivan, Arya and Shaji Nadesan under the banner of August Cinema. With the movie having a good start, the team has released a new video song from the film. The song named Party Song is composed by A.H Kaashif and has vocals by Jonita Gandhi. Lyrics for the song is penned by Vinayak Sasikumar
18am Padi Party Song | A H Kaashif | Jonita Gandhi | Saniya Iyappan