Thalapathy Vijay is right now shooting for his next, Master, which is directed by Lokesh Kanagaraj and produced by XB Film Creators. Recently, the third look poster from the film was released and we saw a glimpse of the exciting face off between Vijay and Vijay Sethupathi. The shooting of this action thriller is expected to be completed by the end of next month and post that, the star actor will be moving on with his next, Thalapathy 65. The director for this film is yet to be officially announced and different names have been constantly coming up on social media every now and then.


A section of media had reported this morning that director Sudha Kongara will be directing Thalapathy 65 under the production of Sun Pictures. When we decided to check with our reliable sources, we got more clarity about the news and we thought of sharing it with our readers. We are told that Sudha Kongara recently met Vijay and narrated a new story to him. It is not known if Vijay has given the nod, but what we hear is that the final call is yet to be taken.

thalaapthy 64

It is said that Vijay is currently focussed on finishing Master ontime and will make a firm decision on his next only after that. Vetri Maaran, Pandiraj and Arunraja Kamaraj were some of the names that were speculated in the past. Through this new update, Sudha Kongara has joined the list of probable directors in contention for directing Thalapathy 65. Director Sudha Kongara is right now busy with the post production works of her next film, Soorarai Pottru, starring Suriya.

sudha kongarathalapathy65 director