The team of the upcoming Telugu movie Guna 369 which stars RX 100 fame Karthikeya and Anagha as lead actors have released a new romantic song from the film on Monday. The song composed by Chaitan Bharadwaj is titled Manasukidi Garalam and the song is penned by Ramajogayya. Two of the most popular singers in the industry Shwetha Mohan and Vijay Yesudas has lent their voice for the song.
Here is the lyric video of the song,
Manasukidi Garalam Lyrical || Guna 369 Songs || Karthikeya, Anagha || Chaitan Bharadwaj
Karthikeya's Guna 369 is directed by Arjun Jandyala on his directional debut and the film is touted to be made based on real incidents. Guna 369 is bankrolled by A Tirumal Reddy and presented by Anil Kadiyala under the banner SG Movie Makers. The film has Chaitan Bharadwaj scoring the music with Ram Reddy handling the camera. Guna 369 is set to hit the screens on August 2nd and the film has got the eyes of Tamil audience as well following Ananga cute performance in Natpe Thunai.