China suspends fish import from India after finding COVID samples!
Galatta | Nov 13, 2020, 07:53 pm
The entire world is suffering from the effects of the COVID-19 Novel Corona virus Pandemic. This has been raging for over 9 months now and has already claimed thousands of lives. One of the biggest reasons for this deadly Virus's spread, was the lack of adequate knowledge about it. The strict nation-wide lockdown measures imposed by the governments of various countries, has helped in controlling the spread to an extent. Even now, the lockdown restrictions are being lifted, not because the Virus has been eradicated but more because the economy is in tatters and further continuing the lockdown will result in dire consequences. Apart from the numberous lives, this Pandemic has also claimed an almost equal number of livelihoods.
Earlier, there were some reports that there were COVID strains identified in processed and packed food. However, they were later found to be not true, as the World Health Organisation announced that the COVID-19 Corona Virus would not spread in such manner. Contrastingly, there have been other scientific reports which detail as to how long the Virus would stay alive, on different kinds of surfaces! Now, it has come to light that China has stopped importing fish from an Indian company, after it found some traces of COVID-19 in a few samples of the product.
Reports state that China has temporarily halted import of fish from India's Basu International for a week. This decision was arrived at after the Novel Corona Virus was detected in three random samples taken from the outer packaging of frozen cuttlefish, which had been imported from India. This news was revealed through a statement issued by the General Administration of Customs. The statement also added that the imports will resume automatically in a week's time. Similarly, the same has been applied to the Indonesian firm Anugrah Laut Indonesia. Some samples tested from frozen fish products imported from this company, also tested positive for the Corona Virus. Just like for Basu International, trade will resume with the Indonesian company too, after the suspension period of a week! Stay tuned for updates...