Por Thozil is a recent hit film that was released in theatres on June 9. The investigative thriller has Ashok Selvan and Sarath Kumar in the lead roles. Now, the production house bankrolling the film UV Communications has released a new making video featuring Sarath Kumar. The video shows a glimpse of what happened behind the scenes while the shooting of the film with the Veteran actor explaining his role. He said as he takes up the role of SP Loganathan, he felt like he was a real cop and the investigation was happening for real, because of the keenness of the director. It shows huge lights. As the character in the film smokes, the actor said “I can't even pull it (the smoke) in, I have never done that. Because I don't smoke, Though I have managed."

Sarath Kumar then explained his character Loganathan in Por Thozil. He said the character went through many things and was an emotionally hardened person. "He’s very thorough with his job though he has scars inside. Then when he meets Prakash takes him along with him to solve the case." Por Thozil actor said "Ashok Selvan is a lover boy. He has a lot of talent in him and reviewers took it to a different level, calling us Men In Black.” The video then ends showing many people clicking selfies with the star in the set.

This video revealed by Por Thozil team further increased hype for those who have not watched the film yet. Sarath Kumar has also shared a photo of the team celebrating the success of the film in a theatre in Chennai with a huge cake. The film which was released last week opened to positive reviews as it's a crime thriller that is set around the investigation of a serial killer by the cops played by the veteran actor and Ashok Selvan.