Life changed radically for 43-year-old nurse, Mike Schultz, in California during his six-week stay at the hospital for undergoing treatment after being infected with the novel coronavirus. Mike, who lost over 20kgs while in treatment after the COVID-19 outbreak, left everyone shocked when he shared two photos with his 30,000 Instagram followers - one that was taken at the hospital and the other captured a month before getting admitted.

Sharing his transformation pictures, Mr. Schultz stated that he felt exhausted while trying to stand up at the hospital to click them, but went ahead to warn and raise awareness on how the disease could infect anyone and cripple them physically. Weighing at 190 pounds or 86kgs before being infected, his weight eventually dropped to 63kgs and went on to speak about his ordeal by saying, "I wanted to show it can happen to anyone. It doesn't matter if you're young or old, have pre-existing conditions or not. It can affect you,".

He added, "I wanted to show everyone how badly being sedated for 6 weeks on a ventilator or intubated can be,". "Amongst other things, covid19 reduced my lung capacity with pneumonia.", he stated. Mr Schultz then said, "I didn't even recognize myself,". Regarding his shocking transformation, he admitted it to be a testing time and said, "I pretty much cried when I looked in the mirror."

Mr Schultz revealed that he used to work out in the gym six to seven times a week and was devoid of any underlying health conditions before. He also stated that he had gotten infected with COVID-19 in March after he partied on a Miami beach that has since reported numerous positive cases and revealed that all this transpired before any of the social distancing restrictions.

He subsequently underwent treatment for pneumonia after being admitted on March 16 and had acute respiratory distress syndrome after which he was put on ventilator. Speaking about the misery and the road to recovery, Mr. Schultz said it took almost four and a half weeks for him to start breathing on his own again.