Mersal's promotional strategies had reached its peak at the recent India-Australia ODI at Chepauk stadium in Chennai. The film's crew screened the teaser promo and movie stills from the film. To keep our adrenalin rushing, the film crew also played a few BGM tracks from the movie. This promotional stunt gained unparalleled reach, and now the cre has decided to pull yet another one!

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Yes! This time though, its for the film's Telugu Version- Adhirindhi. With actor Vijay's mass appeal being greater in TN than in Andhra and Telengana, the crew has decided to promote the film in tonight's India Australia's T20 Final. The crew has decided to feature Adhirindhi's teaser in the match tonight.

Let's keep our fingers crossed and stay hooked infront of our TVs!


Earlier, Vijay starrer Mersal had a unique promotional event during the India-Australia ODI at Chepauk Stadium in Chennai, where we got to see the teaser promo and stills from the film. Some BGM of the movie was also played.

Now, it's Adirindhi's turn. Adirindhi, for those who haven't heard, is the title for the film in Telugu. Since the reach of Vijay is much greater in Tamil Nadu than in AP, a promo event of this sort, that too during an India Australia T20 final should help in giving a boost to the film before its release.